Sunday, August 31, 2008

Worth The Trouble

Baby carlos's surprise party was a hit! Shaina did a great ass job planning this shit. I don't know how she did it. But she did! So it pretty much started out with jessica picking me up. Since i had to babysit i told my brother to cover and ill get back by 6. Paying him $10 i thought it was pretty much worth it. But since carlos won't be at the house till 5:30 that just leaves me with 30 mins to chill and just go home. So fxck my life dude, i decided to stay. But when jessica and i arrived, we saw rob kevin and brother tony leave the house, and we're just like where are you guys going? And they said that since no one was in the house they're gonna go to the mall for a bit. Soo we decided to just go w/. And we went to the hatstore for kevin cause he wanted to buy a hat and all of a sudden we see carlos and his family! What theee. So while kevin was trying on his hat rob brother tony and i hid by the corner, hoping he wouldn't see us or come into the shop. Which he didn't thank god. He left after like 10 mins. Then we went back to the house cause shay and them were already there. Waited for carlos and set up the house. Carlos was Reaaaaally surprised. & extremlly happy<3 I think he teared up a bit, but he said he didn't. LIES. Hahaa. Soo after pretty much surpising him EVERYONE ate. Hella starving or what? Hahah! And then we just chilled. Like normal. Pretty much what we always do at carlos's but this time it was like the WHOLE group+more<3. Like nicole meghan rico and mikha<3 More girls! Yay. Thenn i decided to leave like at 7. And instead of doing what i should have done i decided to stay longer. Then we played rugball! And my bus was going to leave at 8:06. And since we started playing at 7:45 i said fxck this. I'm going to play. So i played w/out noticing the time. Jessica and i were pretty competitive. Hahaha!<3 We both fell, now my side of the knee really hurts. Oh well, oh how i miss rugball tho! DAMN. Missing my 3rd bus i just said fxck it. I'm already in trouble i might as well just stay. Mama and papa didn't call till it was 10. That's where i had 8 missed calls. But 2 were from like anthony..i think he's mad at me tho. Oh welll. Kay so after playing we all rested. Cake time! Yay!<3 Ice cream cake was reaaallly good. But i only had one. Then after cake it was time for dancing! Which we did, but not much of it was going on. Mainly the girls. That was all fun and games and a lot of people ended up stop dancing and we just played basketball and chilled. Then it hit 10:25, and i said shit i needa get home now. Throughout the whollllle party, in the back of my head i just kept thinking about getting in trouble. But whatever. I was gonna ask mama for a ride home, but jessica said she was going to leave anyways. Soo she decided to take me home. I came home and my brother was HELLLA bitchin' at me. He wouldnt stfu. Seriously tho' he was just talkin' hella and way to loud. But i went into my room, to go change and act like i was home for a while already, and right before i was going to change my pants i hear papa open his door. Aw fxck dude. He went into the kitchen and to the front door to see if i was there. I walked to the front door and said dad im home. Oh my..he yelled REALLY loud but only for like 3 mins. Then i just went back into my room. It wass done. Mama didn't even yell at me. And so my day was done. I talked to kevin for 2 hours. It made up for the other night cause i didn't talk to him. So thenn the next morning mama calls and i thought she was gonna yell at me but she just called to ask to see what i wanted to eat. She came home and brought us food and brought up that i came home late, and i just said dad yelled at me already. And she stopped. Soo now im here doing nothing cause jackjack is sleeping and my mama and brother went to go recycle cans. Wellps, yesterday was totally worth it. *OH! And my best and i are pretty much okay now. We didn't talk about it but we will soon. I just told her we needed to talk. Sooo we'll see what happens later on.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

That's Akward.

You said hi to me yesterday. & gave me a 'i like your outfit' compliment. And i appreciate it but it was still akward for me. Like REALLY weird. It'd like we're not even best friends anymore. More like associates. Whaaack! Idk you talked to me more today then you did all week! What the fxck?
Kay whatever, i'm still happier now then i was first day of school. I'll get over it. DONE WITH.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I want

To hate you, but i can't. Because you are my bestfriend. & i am going to be here whenever you need me. Trust.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cheesecake Factory

WAS SO GOOOD!<3 As usualll<3 Mama picked me up later after school. We we were hungry and she wanted cheesecake fact. and since i've never had it before WHY NOT! =) It was really good tho' especially for someone who loves pasta. And was reaaally craving it....

So today was a reg. day. Since it was a short day it went by pretty fast. I'm glad i have my own locker, im glad im becoming independent, and im glad that i have people around me that can make my day better. Schools alright. Getting better day by day tho'. And i am prefectly fine w/my schedule now. I have T.A. w/jeremie! Hahah ARMSTRONG. Yush', chuck, ryan santos, jesse, efi! Oh myyy. Bad. But yeaah, uhm stayed after school for a while. Did my hw at school on a sep.table w/juan. Most of the guys went to Piedmont High to visit i guess. Oh! And it's babycakes birthday today! Yay. Uhmm then we all walked to Nob Hill and that's where Mama Jessica picked me up...

Then later at homee, khrystel was already here and darion and my brother. And all 3 of em' were just on the couch talking which is really unsual. But then they told me the electricty shut down. So they had nothing better to do. We sat and talk etc etc etc. Mama did the back side of my hw, she said im stupid :[ BOOO. Hahah uhm then darion left. Khrystel left to get her clothes.. And mama jessica wanted to braid my hair. Soo got my hair wet w/conditioner this time! Khrystel came back. And while braiding my hair the lights came back on! Yay. Then jessica chilled for a bit then left. Khrystel stayed for a whle and left also. Soo im stuck here at home blogging and im done w/my hw too! =) 'Yay me!'

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Today & Yesterday

So today was a much much better day. I didn't talk to you as much as i usually do, and that's okay b/c it pretty much made my day go by faster. I no longer thought what did i do or are we gonna be okay. Cause i know we are. Just not right now. Have your fun because i will have mine. W/ or w/out you. I'll be there when you need me but as of now idk how it's gonna when i need you. No time? I guess soo. It's fine. I switched my classes today! The way I wanted them to be. I'm pretty happy w/it besides ecology. Fxck that class dude. It's so whack. But whatever i guess i'll just have to adjust. Can't always have friends in every single class. But uhm I'm also taking facing history. I'll see whose in that class tomorrow. OH! & my way is in my 1st period us history! YESYESYESYES! Another year with history with my WAY!<3 What else....babycarlos's birthday is tomorrow! Yay, i saw mama jessica for a while. We ended up falling alseep watching george lopez. Her on one couch and i on the other. Khrystel was in my room watching t.v. Uhhm.. our tables are pretty switched now. I'm not used to it yet, but hopefully i will sooooon. It's seniors EVERYWHERE. Hahaha, uhhh iono. But today was a good day. A better day than yesterday.. Hopefully it'll stay like this for a while or get even better. OH OH OH! I got Mrs. Roy!<333333333 I love how when i got in there i go to her desk and i was gonna say hi and i see an email she was gonna sent to ms.harke telling her she wanted me in her class. Yay im special. HAHAH.

RECAP on yesterday.
BOO!! It got even worse when i was talking to kevin and anthony. I talked to both of em for at least less than 5 mins. Anthony a little bit longer. But whateverrrr. Kevin thinks i get mad over the stupidest things. Which is pretty true, ahaha but i don't care. Uhhm khrystel and i talked about being loners. We especially i lately have been feeling like a loner. Fxck shit. Idk what is it, it's just how i feel. but it's alright. I need to get stronger. A better me, on my own at least. I need to learn how to be more independant. Instead of always relying on someone being right by my side. It's cooooooool. But i wasn't happy w/my classes at allll. I'm glad i didn't have spanish. Shooot im not gonna take it AT all. forget that. But yesterday was over. Sooo i really don't care aboout it anymore. Today was a new day. And tomorrow will be even better. Time to shower, get ready for school, and do HW. EWWWWWWWW.

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day

1st & 2nd was pretty good. The rest was pretty much downfall. 'she didn't make anything better soo she pretty much helped ruin my day. Thanks..But uh bestfriend was supper supportive today! i fxcking love her. Then mama jessica picked me up because i didn't want to stay at school any fxck that. We went to frozo's and then her co-workers alex's house. They're pretty funny. French braided my hair and vented to mama and what not. Oh and we dropped carlos and little david off at home cause we saw them on the way to my house. What else.. uhh iono, if i feel like giving more details tomorrow i will. But now im just gonna watch The Hills. G'night!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fxck school

DAMN, schools tomorrow! Today was pretty much a good day. Watched jackjack and texted a lottt today. Then khrystel came over! & we watched Juno, and we catched up and gossiped a bit<3 Then she had to leave to get clothes cause she's sleeping over cause of school! Shit fxck my life. She's gonna be over a lot now since school's starting. Uhhhm then later on carlos came over but i said it was my brother's friend cause my parents were home, so then yaaawp. We were supposed to go to Target, but khrys didn't come home in time for us to even go there. Soo carlos my brother and i went to wienersitchlez however you fxcking spelll that place. They both ate for a bit and i drank carlos's orea milkshake. That shit was gooood! Then he left cause he took the bus home and my brother and i went to Lucky's. Bought luncables! YUM! I bought the cracker kinds. Ham for myself and Turkey for shaina. Bought some stuff for khrys and home we go! Mama and papa weren't home cause they went to go pick up their family friend cause he pretty much comes here every week. Mama said 'i love you' on the phone earlier, pretty weird. But i take what mama gives me<3 Hahahah Mkay, this is pretty good. Khrystel's over! Okay,byee.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

High expectations

Devante's party was today. I guess it just wasn't something that i expected. I pretty much expected hellllla people there. Shaina, carlos, and i came pretty late too. At least that's what i thought..But overall it was alright, semi fun. The dancing was okaay, damn i really did expect to much out of this parrty. Boooo...oh! The 'special performance' was tahitian dancers and some hip hops girls. For one of the dances devante got to pick people to dance w/ and shay and i had to get up and dance -_- What was it? Pineapple,coconut,papaya,banana? Hahah! And then mix it into a fruitsalad! Hahaha that was fun. Uhhhhm what else, oh it and kinda ended early cause security came :[ Boooo, and that lights turned back on around 9:45ish. So everyone pretty muched stopped dancing cept' for like devante and boys. Sooo now im at home and i should be at shay's house w/everyone else that went there eating spaghetti. WHAT A BUMMER! *But uhm the best's thing....we pretty much didn't talk about the situation. Shit happens, but it's cool cause schools coming up! So we'll pretty much get back on traack. Damnit just one more day. FCK MY LIFE.

Friday, August 22, 2008

MY mama<3

I haven't spent a day out w/my mama in soo long! She's always been busy w/work and what not and never has anytime to actually just go out. Even tho' we had to watch jackjack today we ended up leaving him at home w/my brother. So after eating w/my gramps which i felt like i got hella close too recently we dropped my brother and jackjack home. Then mama and i went $hopping! She hasn't been to the mall in soo long cause of work now. And she never gets home until 7ish and RECENTLY we never have anything to eat at night because of that. But it's okay...But back to the mallll. Yay<3 We went around the whole mall going to the main stores that we go to. She bought stuff i bought stuff everything was all gravy. I just wish that every now and then my mom would have the time to go out and spend time w/my brother & i. WITHOUT jackjack. He's so much trouble! Short blog today, DEVANTE'S PARTY TOMORRROW! Yaaay! OH! & i saw most of the guys today at the mall. It made me pretty happy to see that big group again, i can't wait untill school starts! Well sorta..

What The...

Confused...That's all there is to it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mama Jessica

Damn, idk if today was the last day that i will see jessica till i don't even know! But i spent my summer mainly w/her. On & off tho' But like i hella love her! & i just met her this year, but i've grown soo close to her. That's like my sister but also my mama at the same time. She pretty much takes care of me etc etc. I'm hellla thankful for that too. Today! She came over and we we're DEAD bored...we were supposed to go to the beach buuuut we didn't know who was still coming w/us and whattnot. So that pretty much didn't work out the way we wanted && we wanted to go shopping but tried to avoid that phase because she's wasted a lot of money this summer. Oh man & i mean A LOOOOT of money. Then! she said let's go to sf, buuut that's just even worse cause of shopping at Sf? Are you serious? Hahha, and what would i tell my mama and papa? And besides i already owe her $ from the last time we went shopping. Yay mama jessica for spotting me!<3 But we pretty much had a good day. Chill at my house having no life, spliting during the afternoon, then ended up meeting w/each other again....took me to Frozo's for the 1st time and boyyy did that make my day! Went to baby carlos's house and played mario party and lost. :[ BUMMER! Hahaha but still, she made my summer go by pretty fast, and im thankful for that. Mama jessica, i love you. And thank you for everything. I will see you soon! LIKE NEXT WEEK!<3 Hahaha.
P.S. we have a lot of places to go to together.
-spaghetti factory
-cheescake factory
-sf shopping?
-mystery spot
-&& a lot more to come.
And i will save my money so that i can pay you back from shopping & for gas.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cold shoulder?

I pretty don't know what to do anymore. I KNOW you know why it's like this. Why aren't you saying/doing anything then? I'm pretty much just waiting for you to fix this. I mean i want you to take responsibility of the reason why we don't talk as much. Like today, you had a good amount of time to spend with him and he tells us 'okay come over now' and then when we do you guys still aren't ready? Are you common' now. Common' sense dude. Then @ the pool that was no difference either. Jeeze, i can't really stand much of this. I quit. I'm not gonna make no effort into making our friendship better if your not either. Fxck this. "Fxcccck my liiiife" Hahaha.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Another person's view

-Woke up at 6:45, got ready, bus to starbucks w/carlos, regristration forms, chillll for a bit, then came and picked me up.
-Tattoo Parlor w/Mama Jessica & Babycakes.
-Shopping @ Eastridge
-Mama Jessica fish tailed one side of my hair, haha!
-G'mall...TO THE RESCUE!
-Got homeee w/my parents yelling at me for only about 5 mins.

*& hit me. You only got one more year w/him. I heard from another point of view and it made sense. But then again it's only summer. You still got a whollle 'nother year, but the thing is... am i gonna get used to that? Maybe i should just knowing that we still have senior year together. Just make sure we make a double knot in our friendship so that it won't get loose and we would have to tie it together again. Just learn to be fair & i'll play fair. That's all we gotta do.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Mmmmm, so we're just friends right? Cause it kinda/doesn't feel that way. Well sorta. I don't know how to explain it... It's really weird. B/c i WANT to be just friends, but at the same time it kinda don't. It's funny cause i've always wanted this, you calling me everynight and everything. But it was something i wanted waaaaay back then. Not so sure about right now. I'm kinda stuck between 2 or 3 or 4, hahaa.
I'm not a playa' i just CRUSH a lot.

But seriously tho' it's not time for me to be playing games. I'm kinda over that, but at the same make time go by extremely fast! It's like you call me and we talk about sooo many things and it's only been like an hour & 20 mins. Are you serioussss? Hahaha, but boo hoo. This is bad, cause you knowww, YOU GOT A GIRL. I know you think about it when you talk to me on the phone. But whatevs. As of now i see it as a friendship; we're close now. Kay? Nothing more & nothing less. That's it.

Less Effort

It's crazy just thinking about it. We've only been friends for almost 2 years & it may not seem much, but we've been thru HELLA shit. I remember everything...mostly. Things we talk about, how we became hellla close, what annoyed us, letting each other know if we were being stupid or bitchy +more. But YOU have no time for that anymore. Less time to have an actual conversation w/me. Too caught up with your own/love life. Oh and what about BEFORE you were going to date him?'s going to be equal. Even if he's gonna be my boyfriend no ones gonna replace you, not even a guy. Mmmm, doesn't seem like that anymore. Well no, i take that back. B/c i understand, boyfriends are boyfriends. But bestfriends are also bestfriends. But the thing that scares me is that boyfriends can ALSO be your bestfriend. I don't want to be replaced or taken advantage of just because you know I'm always gonna be there. It's just not right to me. I was afraid of this. I knew somehow later on it would've happened. It happens ALL the time. To everyone i get close to. C, A, K & you too? It's not jealousy, it's just where's my share? Seriously tho' do you even take the time to think about if you've talked to me or not? If you have anything to tell me? Or that if you do, but forget about it later on. Keep your word about it. B/c if it's gonna be like this for a while, things WILL change.

Things are going to change...I can feel it.

I'll make the adjustments. It's not gonna be fair nor the way you want it. But it's gonna be how I want it. Sorry if i'm sounding or being jealous. But it's been your way for quite a while. But it's omething that'll make things easier for me & not always have to think about 'oh i need to spend time w/my best or we need to catch up' WE DON'T NEED THAT. We're supposed to be bestfriends, what kind of best friend is that if you have to 'catch up' What is that?! If you have to tell me something, tell me on the spot. Not wait till your finish talking to your lover or whatever. It's just hella buggin' me. It's like your being a hypocrite right about now. Think back...back to when you were single still right? & we noticed all these couples having the same shit on myspace and saying oh no i love you moreeee, dude gag me already. You said so yourself tho' I'm never gonna do that stuff! It's so cheesy and ew. But whatever, i can't blame you right? Love makes you do stupid/crazy things. Maybe your just not thinking right. Idk...i suggest you think about this tho' b/c i already have. And for a while imma see how things when school starts, you know? But if it keeps up. Things are gonna change. Good or bad? Idk yet, we'll see....