Sunday, January 11, 2009

I reallly feel like

blogging now. B/c i am super bored and i have nothing else to do. Stuck at home babysitting this little boy..although i love him with all of my heart; there are times where i wish i never had to babysit him. But come to think of it, my job is pretty easy. I basically get paid to stay home. Though it may sound really easy sometimes it really isn't. He has bad days, really really bad days i mean. He'll go crazy, and when my friends come over to visit, which i absolutely love<33

Best friend came over, i really love the fact that he has his days where he just comes to chill with me. I don't think he realizes how much i cherish our friendship. He came around 4ish? and didn't leave until 2Am. But that's alright because he wasn't the only one here. He was for awhile..until like 8ish? Then ralph came over. He chilled until 10ish? Then came back. But in between that time i had some more visitors. Maryanne came over! It's crazy how close we've grown to be. In a short amount of days, the more we hang out the closer we get. And i've been hanging out with her A LOT lately, not saying it's bad cause it's not. But anyways, she came over and allen and ralph were still here. Ralph left and then anthony, twins, thomas, matt, and allison came over. I ain't really trippin about her anymore. I'm not trynna hate on her or anything when there's really no point to it. She doesn't go to our school nor do i even talk to her. So whatever. I didn't mind her being in my house. They stayed for about 20 mins and they left. Bestfriend was still here. He's been waiting on ayush to pick him up to go to a cottilion after party, but never picked him up. Around 11ish ralph came back. We watched Japanese Game shows on your youtube, out of ALL the videos we watched this one made us laugh to the point where all 3 of us had stomach aches. I really wish that American Game shows were like this. I really think that it's just the fact that americans could be too embarrased to do shows like this. Whatever tho! I enjoy watching these on youtube. Damn dude, seriously tho' we were HELLLA cracking up. My mom was sleeping i think, i also love tha' fact that my mom allows boys over. Even tho she always brings up my dad which HELLLLA annoys the crap out of me because she always brings him up..saying crap like 'your dad wouldn't like that' and etc etc. But what the heck? He's not here! So why bring up him saying he doesn't like that and this when he's not even here to see it? But yeah, mama always let's my friends come over and i love it. I really love the fact that everyone comes here. It's really just a chill spot, come here anytime. But there are times where my mom gets mad because it's tooo late or whatever but idk. The only neg.thing about it is that i barely sneak out. B/c he's gone she comes into my room and checks up on me && she always goes in and out of her room. When my dad was here she barely did that. But i'm glad my dad isn't here. Because then i wouldn't have many visitors. +the fact that on new years many people stayed here until 3, and my mom was already home. She didn't care. Also the fact that some of the guys slept over. Shoot if my dad was here, he would FLIIIP. But he's not so WHATEVA'. $$$ is becoming a problem tho'. Tsk tsk. So yeah, around 12 ayush, kevin, and robert came over. Those are my usuals.<33 They're always over, i love it! && Jb is also becoming a usual. He says it's 'HIS' home. Hahah s'cooool. They chilled here until 2am? Called camacho as i was going to bed to see if he was okay, cause he called me earlier, and seemed pretty sad? or upset or something. He was already sleeping by then so i let him go. Fell asleep and that's that.

Friday----WAIT BRB. I'm going to guy buy mcdonalds for jackjack.
Alright so i'm back & i realized that i shouldn't have bought food. I have food i home i should've just made him something to eat. UHG! Alright soooo. Friday!! We went ot go watch unborn which wasn't even worth watching, but it's alright because frenchie gave me a free movie pass<3 Gaaawd i love her. Friday was really unorganized. It startred off with like...maryanne coming over? Then frenchie came..then jb kg and allen. Tyler was my ride to the movies. French and allen's too. Chilled for a bit at my house and then tyler and mark came over. Chilled some more and left. Mama was pretty chill about it, just not the fact that i came home pretty late. Around 12:45? Uhg mama, get over it. I've been coming home around 1 everytime i'm out now. Shouldn't you be getting used to it? I told you what i've been doing where i go and everything. So why you trippin? Like i said i'm not having sex or doing drugs. I'm on that natural high. I don't need anything else. Hmm but yeah. Unborn was funny! HAHA kinda jumpy at some parts, but mostly funny. Laughing most of the time after we screamed, ahhaa! Oh my goodness. I love it. We filled up a whole row +some more in the back. That's a lot of people. But i'm so used to being around them that it doesn't even seem like there's a lot of people. Shay as usual left pretty early. She should've just came with us to in-n-out cause kuya was there! I haven't seen him in soo long! Chillled there a quite awhile. Left around 12:something, but i had to get something for mama. We were in the drive-thru for like 20 mins!! It was helllla long. S'kay tho. Tyler was doing his british accent and we camerawhored =)) dropped allen, then daniel, and french. I was last cause my house was closest to tylers. Came home around 12:45 and mama got mad. She yelled for like 3 mins and said she was tired of yelling and what not. Went to bed and i forgot what i did after that. Oh! I went to sleep? & camacho called, i picked up but i didn't really remember much. Cause that was like around 3amish. But yeaaah, that was that!

Thursday-I've been going out after school pretty much the whole week? I don't remember. But i think thursday was when i went too...oh wait. Nope. I just chilled after school and took the bus home with french, manda, and hash. Instead i went to taco bell by myself. Bought myself food and ate there by myself with my bear jayden :] HAA, then i went to rite aid to get some ice cream cause i was craving and so i did. I also saw ms. mac there! HAHAHA! Akwaaaard, cause she always yells at me in class. But anyways. Jessica called me and she wanted me to color her hair. Did that and it was fun. Washed her hair which was hellla messy to do. AHHA yet fun. She braided my hair and we ate dinner. She stayed for a little bit and left. Oh how much i love her. Now her..i swear. In less than 1 year, we've grown CRAZYYY CLOSE. I love her i love her i love her. She treats as her own. She spoils me<3 Gaawd, i appreciate her +respect her so much you don't even know. She's that ONE person that i can tell EVERYYTHING too, gives me advice when needed and same for me to her. And she knows that. She knows, she knows, no need for me to explain. And that call EVERY sunday is a normal routine now. I sleep late on saturday and i get those call around 10 something. Update about the week and that's that<3

Wedneday-I heard that there was buy 1 get one free from jamba juice! Yay. Mary-anne was gonna give the free one to franshya but frenchie was sick that day ;/ After school chilled for a bit. Amanda and angela went too. Saw some of the guys at jamba juice and chilled for a little bit. Minh made me spill some of my peach pleasure!! The girls got the bigger sizes then the boys :)) Mwuahaa. Amanda gave me her free one. And angela got the free one from mary-anne. We pretty much had a girls day out. Dropped by mary-annes house to get her camera and then my house to get my camera+my money. Twin wanted to go to jollibee and manda and i also because we've never had it before. Recorded some stuff and went shopping. I got new jeans, they were only 14.50? Haha yaaawp. Anywho. Stayed in nu pair for the longest time because maryanne was deciding what shoes she wanted. AHHA Manda twin and i camerawhored- . Dropped off twin and manda at school for the basketball game so that she can chill with peter<33 Haha. I love those 2<333. CUUTAAYS. I was last and that was that.

Tuesday-Didn't know what to do after school. Maryanne i ended up chillin also franshya,mark, and twin<3 Ohh!! I remember now, Jb, vince, kg and franshya came over. My mama wanted to instal the new dryer into the laundry room and jb ended up doing it for us <33 LOVE HIM! Came to my house and they did the dirty work..especially jibbs. Thank you again!!! Vince and franshya made up mama noodles. We all ate at the table like a family. Then mary-anne came. Chilled for a while and they left. French me and mary-anne went to go pick up twin and mark. Then we went to Sen Dai..ate there and then we went to the libary. It's sooo nice!! Camerawhored around there..we parked ALLLL the way on top. 4th floor.. We had talks at the 'spot'. <33333 LOVE IT. Then we went to the basketball game. We lost ;/ our boys did really good tho'. I'm proud :) S'kay we'll get em' next time!! But yeah. That was that.

Monday-I don't think i did much. I'm pretty sure i hung out with maryanne. Iono. But it was the first day of school for 2009. I still miss 2008. I remember telling myself that 2008 was gonna be hella better than 2007 and it was. So many stuff happened in 08' and i will never forget<3.

Sunday-I'm positive i stayed home and babysat. Not sure if i had visitors but i most likely did.

Saturday-Saturday i got a text from Kevin Nguyen asking if i wanted to go eat with them. I said i couldn't cause i had to babysit. Saturday was also the day of franco's party. I didn't wanna go cause i didn't want to get in trouble because i went out to much i guess, says mama. So i stayed home. Maryanne and linh came over to have a girls movie night. But kevin and his friend was still here. I told him to buy pizzza for me and he did. Also brought the wii. Chilled and ate and watched baby mama. While watching that kevin, rob, and ayush came by. They chilled for a bit and left. Kevin and his friend didn't leave until 2amish. Kevin, yush' and rob came back around 12. Stayed until 3am. Maryanne and linh left around 10. They left the earliest. Mannny visitors that night. OH! And anthony and jeremie came by too. But they didn't come in. And that's that.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

So much

has been going on. This week has been great! Last night was the best<3
I know it's 2009 and all and i should start fresh...buut...i'm too lazy to post.
HAHA sooo i'll update later..if i feel like it.