Monday, October 6, 2008


went by pretty fast today. I need to save up $, but how can i ever save up if i always have to spend it on something. I usually end up spending my money on food, but not this time. I gotta buy homecoming ticket [i'm going w/out a date :|] and then i gotta buy junior class shirt! :] I like it tho<3 'specially since my fav. color is yellow. Yay! *I ran out of capri sun, now i have nothing to drink but water.* Ok, so classes. Remember when i said i was switching out? I don't know what to do anymore! I'm starting to like my 5th period, but i just gotta sit in the front where all these 'kids' help me, haha sad i know, but whatever! But the thing is I NEED TO GET OUT OF ALG2. My grade is already an F and so is Bio's grade. I'm pretty much fxcked in both of those classes. I have an appointment w/me counselour 2nd period on wednesday, soo i'll talk to her then. Someone remind me to go @ 9:30AM! Oh & speaking of fxcked, ms. lowe fxcked the seating chart. Therefore i don't sit next to Jackie-waay! anymore :[ I'm hella sad, but whatever, she's only 2 seats away from me. We'll manage. 1st period isn't my favorite period anymore. I'm not that excited to walk into class now, since i'm gonna have to wait untill like after class to tell her shit. Booo! Overall today was a good day. Jeremie and i had a good talk about who drives and what not etc etc.. 3rd period is my 2nd favorite period cause we always have free days. FYI, this whole blog thing is useless, but i like it.