Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sneaking out

Soo i'm pretty lazy to go into details about what happened on tuesday night. What i can tell you is that we're having another one like that on monday night! I'm exciteddd, yay yay. But anyways.
Last niiiiiiiight, i snuck out again.
And also friday. But come to think of it Friday was the easiest i've ever snuck out of this house. Since i didn't go to the football game i just stayed home. No point because i was in my room the whole time doing diddly squat. So i slept early. Thinking that i would sneak out later on anyways. Around 11:50ish allen calls me to go out. Next thing you know i'm up and gone just like that. It was hella easy. Everyone was already asleep cept for my brother, i don't even think he realized that i just left cause he was so caught up in playing maplestory. So i left and it was only daniel,ayush, and allen. I thought it was just us 4, but it's never just 4 people. Then we ended up meeting with the rest at in-n-out and amanda, twin, franshya were there! Along with the other boys, gerald, jon [which was a suprise to me cause he never sneaks out] kevin and robert. We sat there for a bit thinking of what to do. No one was going to eat there so we decided to go to burger kinggg. Some people ate and some people didn't. After burger king we went to Sierra. The view<33333 Then i think it was gerald that told jon to walk up the hill, but joking at the same time? Jon didn't take it as a joke obviously, so he walked up there. Then some of us followed. Some walked up in pairs, then as we were going down franshya and i were running down, then gerald decides to scare her! Which makes me throw her keys and she looses them. Spent about 20 mins or so looking for her keys IN THE DARK with no lights cept from our phone and the car headlights. Looking and looking, still no luck. We just told her to look for it another time, in the day light. So we left sierra and decided to go to fowler park? The one by evergreen. It was a nice park tho i must sayy, but it was hella cold and all the equipments were wet. Robert was on the babyswing and i pushed it and he fell+one of his leg got stuck, oops!<3 Haha! We all did our own thing for a little bit and twin and i talked. Bout the 2 K's. Interesttttingggg twin.. Hahahaha. Then we all gathered up and just talked about their years plans and their roadtrips together and what notttt. I'm hella going to miss the seniors tho, real talk. Then it was almost 4 and allen had to be home soon. Soo we all decided to leave. Got dropped off and it was 4:45ish? Somewhere around there, stayed up till 5. Went to sleep and my day was done.
Last night i came home @ 5am this time. The longest i've stayed out so farr. My mom and pops fell asleep. My brother wasn't here. Earlier that night my dad locked the garage door. Acting like i was getting some water i unlocked it :) Hahah, i swear if my house had an alarm system my life would be fxcked. Shit. But anyyyywayys. Kevin and twin picked me up by the church. And it was just us 3 and i was wondering where everyone else was at. I guess ayush went to go pick up everyone else. We all met up at Mark's house. Since his parents weren't home we just chilllled there. Watched youtube videos and just relaxed. Eventually some of us got hungry and we didn't know where to eat that was open around 2am. We drove and someone said Dennys. So we went to dennys. Waited and waited and waited, then got to our seats. Talked and talked then ordered. Talked some more and ate. Finished eating and we didn't want to go home yet, so we went back to mark's house. Ayush and them dropped allen off, he had to be home before his mom woke up. :( He's usually the earliest one to leave. Booo. So we went back to marks's house and just chillled some more there. I got tired by then and i took a short nap on the couch. The others were talking about life. I could hear them. I remember gerald saying "Happiness is only for a while, Joy is for a lifetime." Something like that. Idk deeeep shit tho. Then we had to go cause yush had to return the car before his parents woke up.. Dropped one of ayush's car back at his house and used the car that i was in. We fit 5 people in the back. Hahhaha, it was alright tho cause angela lived pretty close by. So we dropped her off and then dropped kevin. Ayush drove from then on and we dropped franshya off. Gerald and then me. Daniel was last. I got home around 5. I wasn't that tired, but once i layed down my bed i just knocked out. I honestly love late night chill days tho. They're always fun.<3333 It's becoming to be an everyweekend typa' thing. Sometimes on weekdays, depending on what the drivers feel like doing. But shit! I can not wait for monday night. Gerald and Kevin have been researching some stuff about haunted schools and what not. FXCKKKK!
Oh! And i had some visitors today :) Since i was stuck at home all day i was hellla bored. Kevin and bj stopped by to chill for a bit. And ayush ended up coming over too. When my parents came home i thought my dad especially would trip, but he didn't.<3 Because they were guys and everything, but i guess he doesn't care. I thought my mom would be a distraction because she was going to cook but my dad came home first and he was on the phone and i overheard him saying something about going out to eat. So i guess my mom wasn't cooking anymore. My mom came home with fastfood for me from Kim Lee's<3 Mmmhmm! They left me alone and home, but i still had the guys over! +Jackjack. Bj was hellla entertained by jackjack earlier along with kevin. Haha daaang. But anyways, kevin wanted gauges i guess so all 3 of them went to the mall? But i'm guessing that ayush just went home. They came back and kevin didn't even buy them, he wants to save up to buy lights for his car noww. They left and i was home alone with jackjack, then about 10 mins or so jack got picked up. All alone now. Bored to death! I finished watching Ironman so i decided to watch White Chicks. While watching White Chicks Bj and Kevin came over again. They chilled untill 10ish and left. Went into my room finding something to do. Bored for alomst 2 hours and then that's when i snuck out. =))

++And i don't remember the first time i snuck out, but all i remember is that i was hella scared. I was shaking and nervous and kept thinking about my mom and if she would come into my room. But i know better. I wait until she sleeps, then i leave. Out of alll the days we've snuck out there was this one time where i was too tired to go. That was the ONLY time i didn't go. I think? Or the car was full. But idk something like that. I just love the fact that i'm a 'usual' when it comes to sneaking out<3 The mains are daniel, kevin, ayush, and allen+me. That's only if we're using 1 car, and we're just going out to eat and talk. But lately it's been more people coming with us and i love it.

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