Saturday, December 6, 2008


even tho the music was not so good at alll, i still had fun. Let's get into details about my day yesterday :))
Started off with waking up around 7. I already knew what i was wearing which was shorts & a grey t-shirt. Yes, i know i guess i'm crazy cause everyone was like are you not cold?! Etc etc, and i replied back nope, cause my body was hella warm for some reason. I mean i had goosebumps and everything but inside i wasn't cold at all. Who wears shorts in december? I DO :)) Hahah! So yeah had a lot of those questions and the rest of the day was just a good day. I'm so greatful of everyone is crazy. I think about it all the time, at the end of the day i realize how much fun i've been having. I remember in the beginning of the year i was in the 'depression' mood and idk, things just started to turn around. So yeah mary-anne and i decided to get ready at my house, which was good for me cause my mom was home and yeah i just needed to see her. Even tho she said no to me, i ended up going anyways. Bad i know, but iono. So yeah after school! FXCK since i was wearing shorts i guess she decided to slap me! On and off, and next thing you know i have a bruise on my right leg of a fxcking handprint and on my left leg was just a mark that look liked i got fxcking bit. Seriously? Uhgg, haha! And i was wearing a dress later on the night too! Fxck, i hope it didn't show in the picture that kevin and i took at winterball :) btw, thank you for coming.<33 Even tho i didn't really spend time with you, i also felt like i didn't need to. But it's ok cause as long as you had fun (= But anyways, so we left school kinna early. 3:45ish? Yeah around there. Dropped franshya home and went to my house. Robert and Kevin didn't know what to do so they came over. We just chilled and shit and talked. Ate my see's candy<3 YUM! I still couldn't find the marshmellow ones! UHGG, one of my favorites. Mmhmm! So yeaaah, maryanne started getting ready-curling her hair while robert and chung were on my bed laying down. I think robert fell asleep tho, and chung..just uhm yeah. I did my hair which i had to re-do a couple of times cause it started messing up. I didn't curl it or anything. I didn't have a date so there was no point of me getting allll dolled up. So yeah, got ready and maryanne and i put our dress on. We were ready! The guys left around 5ish cause they went to go get ready also. Maryanne and i were done getting ready, but still had some touchups to do, we talked and shit and oh my! I love getting close to old friends that i've known for like everrrrr. Left my house around 6:30. Oh i just remembered that i BARELY ATE ALLLL DAY. No time, shit. Uhgg, but yeah got to linhs house and the girls weren't even ready! Linh, nicole, shaina and rio. They didn't finish decorating until 6ish. Which left them not much time to get ready. But they were still cuties! Linh curled her hair helllla fast. And nicole broke her neckalce out of no where, haha a pearl necklace too. Shit, shaina's hair wasn't curling like we both wanted soo we just left it straight. Rio's hair wasn't working with her either and she couldn't find her belt so she dipped and went home to get another belt so that her dress wouldn't fall. Yet they all looked fine to me. Thank god maryanne and i finished getting ready cause some of the girls needed our help :) Soo, we got to the high school and we waited for a bit. Got inside and i must say it was veryyy pretty! Didn't really dance until kevin got there tho cause i didn't want my pictures to look whack. There was no long line whatsoever! Chilled for a while and kevin called me saying he was there. Once he got inside we took our picture. We got a 2nd try and i liked our 2nd shot :))) The first one was cute, but the 2nd was just much better. Oh! And twin's picture was super super cute! HAHHA. So was allens and maryannes and ayush and allyssa's. I can't wait to have them in my hands to look at tho' I barely got any pictures of that night tho' but that's fine i guess. Didn't chill with doublea cause he didn't text me back so i ended up going to eat. But first! We stayed and helped clean up for HELLLA LONG. shit. Duck tape is hellllllllla hard to get off. Finished around 12 and everyone was hungry. Decided to go eat dennys and mama was mad that i was still out. Whateva' Finished around 145ish and went home. Mama yelled for like 20 secs and i gave her, her food. End of my night, i was soo tired when i got home. Shoot.

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