Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's not

really official if i like you or not, but it's pretty clear that i have a crush on you. BUUUT, i'm not gonna' make it anything serious. Just because i crush a lot :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fxck shit.

I hellla need to start saving my money! And i have a list of things to do.
+clean room
-i want to re-organize my room
/clean out closet
-get my closet door fixed first. HAH!
-buy a stand to hold my earrings
-save up money!
-tell mama or papa to give me a debit card.
-focus on school more
+CAMP EVERYTOWN talk with mama. get my shit signed+the money
-learn how to sew
-catch up on things with some people
-get a case and a lanyard for my phone.
-$hop for things that i need more than things that i want.
-try and fight less with my brother
-less arguing with mama
-after football season, lower going out on fridays..I'll TRY.
-the list just keeeeeeeps on going!
-get my stuff back from people that have borrowed from me. PRONTO.
-stop crushing so much.
-try bringing HOMEMADE lunches to school every other day or so :) Mmmmhmm.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


everywhere dude, get me away from here.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


do i have this strong attraction towards you? Is it b/c you remind me of someone that i used to like?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Do i really?

Look like Miley Cyrus [Hannah Montana] For at least the 5th time i got a 'compliment' from someone saying that i reminded them and or look likes Hannah Montana. WTF, hahah what is this nonsense.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


victim i suppose. Hahaha i find it pretty amusing now. Knowing whose next and what not. *Mama jesssica picked me up today and we ran some errands. Hahah then we went home and did hair and makeup for homecoming. I didn't like it at first, but come to think of it, it looks good! Mmmm, i'm pretty tired. Today was tiring actually & cold! Damnit, and i think i'm getting a sore throat. I'm gonna stop now, before i start complaining. Bye!<3

Monday, October 6, 2008


went by pretty fast today. I need to save up $, but how can i ever save up if i always have to spend it on something. I usually end up spending my money on food, but not this time. I gotta buy homecoming ticket [i'm going w/out a date :|] and then i gotta buy junior class shirt! :] I like it tho<3 'specially since my fav. color is yellow. Yay! *I ran out of capri sun, now i have nothing to drink but water.* Ok, so classes. Remember when i said i was switching out? I don't know what to do anymore! I'm starting to like my 5th period, but i just gotta sit in the front where all these 'kids' help me, haha sad i know, but whatever! But the thing is I NEED TO GET OUT OF ALG2. My grade is already an F and so is Bio's grade. I'm pretty much fxcked in both of those classes. I have an appointment w/me counselour 2nd period on wednesday, soo i'll talk to her then. Someone remind me to go @ 9:30AM! Oh & speaking of fxcked, ms. lowe fxcked the seating chart. Therefore i don't sit next to Jackie-waay! anymore :[ I'm hella sad, but whatever, she's only 2 seats away from me. We'll manage. 1st period isn't my favorite period anymore. I'm not that excited to walk into class now, since i'm gonna have to wait untill like after class to tell her shit. Booo! Overall today was a good day. Jeremie and i had a good talk about who drives and what not etc etc.. 3rd period is my 2nd favorite period cause we always have free days. FYI, this whole blog thing is useless, but i like it.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I miss you & i'm semi jealous. :|

Night visitors.

I love it when the people i used to hang out w/ visit. I miss hanging out with them. They make me laugh alll the time, even if i'm just sitting there dazing off. I could just sit there and watch them and i'de be entertained the whole time. <3 Hi guys, i miss you.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I find it

really cute when i see a guy walk w/his little brother.The difference of size is just adorable! Seeing the little brother walk and the big brother look down on him. Talking and smiling. Cuteshit.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Okay sooo.

I'm pretty mad now, we're not going to hometown anymore. It was supposed to be me, amanda, daniel, peter, and ayush. But since peter and daniel aren't going anymore i guess ayush thought it was pretty pointless. But whatever i didn't care, i just wanted to eat since i didn't eat the whole day thinking we were gonna go to hometown. But fxck whateverrrr. Today just wasn't my day. I'm gonna go rent movies and stuff myself with food that i have at home, that's if i have any. Fxcker. Thanks.


For some reason i wasn't feeling today. I'm pretty positive i failed my test in 1st and in 2nd i didn't do anything cause i think i'm switching out. 3rd was t.a. and we did some stuff and he gave us a free day after that and i needed to finish my critical readings for 4th. Then in 4th we're watching a movie 'The Killing fields?' something like that iono. And in 5th period i slept the whole time. 6th period was pretty funny. But we didn't do anything. Soooo basiclly this whole day in allll of my classes i wasn't being productive. BAD. Lunch and brunch are the same as always, but during brunch someone ussed my i.d. number! So i didn't get food ;[ Boooo. Afterschooool was the most akward for me tho. I really don't want to say much, but just know that i was feeling pretty akward. I'm hellla not used to it. I guess i need to get used to the fact that everyone's gonna be occupied. As juan says. It happens ALL the time. I hate it tho, why can't friends have girlfriends or boyfriends and at the same time know how to manage time with their friends? I don't get it. Took the bus home with juan and roland. Venting to them a little about how i felt. Hometown tonight! I'll blog about that later, maybe. Goodbye!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tyler & Omair

I basiclly spent all after school with them. Well actually not all after school, we chilled till 4:40ish and omair said we should starting walking to the bus before we miss it. And he was right, the bus came 2 mins early! After the bus we went to imagecuts to get his haircut. While tyler and i waited we just talked about hella shit and we met some sophomore at piedmont that used to go to our schoool. I told him i'de add him on myspace but i can't find it. He knows my brother -_- But he looks like a mexican gangster! Hahaha! After omairs haircut we went to mcdonalds. Bought them food and walked to target. Tyler had to get his film developed. We went to the mens clothing and they had sweaters for sale! $5! The pull over sweaters<3 I told tyler to get me a navy blue one cause he was gonna go back there to buy some with Toni. Walked omair to his bustop and then tyler and i walked to taco bell cause tyler had sugar all over his hands from my sour path watermelons. Haha idiottt. After that walked and talked. Then i met up with my cousin and brother and some of his friends at the park. Tyler had to borrow my brothers skateboard to get home and i chilled at the park for a while. I got pretty bored so i came home around 745ish? Did nothing at home but clean. The rest of the night was pretty boring. 10 mins ago i was picking out grey hair out of my dad's head :| OH! And classes were okay, i think i'm switching out of 2nd tho. I think i'm going to consumers math. Switch that class with bio which is 5th and we'll see how it goes. I'm gonna miss danilo david and john if i leave them tho' Boooo! But whatever, i need to keep my grades up. The only class that's putting me on the line of going to Cal Hills is Bio :[ Fxcker. Sooo to keep a good bio grade i'm gonna need to go away from the distractions. OHOHOH! And Mama jessica visit today<3

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How are you...

gonna say it's unhealthy for us.
and then go do the same thing
w/someone else, but more?
Mmmm, i don't get you.
& i don't want to either.
99.9% over it.

Juice city fundraiser today was a good turnout !
A lot a people showed up; i didn't buy anything tho. =)