Wednesday, December 17, 2008


great day! The days just keeping better and better!! =) So school was fa-reeeezing cold!! But it was also sunny at the same time so it was alright. Classes were pretty easy cept for 6th cause we have an essay due, EWW. And i skipped 5th period AGAIN. Always always that class, but only because Mary-anne, daniel, amanda and i went to Chipotle during lunch and decided to cut 5th period on the way back to school so we went to Casrto's class. We didn't know if the whole 'free food' at chipotle was real or not cause we heared it was only for teachers. But we got there and josiah was there also and we asked him and he said yaawwp. So we got all excited and went inside and got our food. Once we got there, there were a lot of seniors that came. I guess you can say we were the only juniors that went during lunch :)) So that was that and the food was soo good! I didn't finish mines, just 3/4 of it, but maryanne and daniel finished theirs hella fast! Manda also finished 3/4 and threw away the rest. Hell to the no for me! I saved mines. Pumped gas for maryanne and then we drove back to school. Once we parked and everything we got out and started walking..we saw castro and cummins. We were all about to get a tardy pass and go back to class, but then we just thought naaah whatever who cares. So we chilled in castro's class. YAY =) He ALSO got chipotle cause we saw them there, ahaha! how funny is that. So yeah i finished my steak burritttoo<33 MMMMM! And maryanne and manda were playing around with castro's imac. Daniel was doing hw or something iono. While finishing my food, i got a random number that was calling me. Turned out to be my dad!!<333 Thank god i cut tho cause if i didn't i probably wouldn't have be abled to talk to my papa. He called asking how i was doing and my brother also. I guess he called my brother but my brother had p.e. so he couldn't pick up his phone. Talked to my dad for a bit and i teared up, cause i really miss him. He called 3 times tho :) I was like wtf, cause the 1st one was just a how are you doing call, 2nd was him telling me to remind my mom to talk to his boss about some income taxes, and the 3rd call was him asking me if i called him? Wtheck? HAHA whatever<3 It was good talking to him, even tho it was for only like 3 mins. 6th period was alright. Then it was the end of school. I reminded my godddaddy to pick me up cause i wanted to go to the mall with him cause i wanted some stuff :]] I got my red coat! YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY!<33 And a bunch of other stuff at forever21 & a bag at h&m. I'm about to go back tho cause there's this other messenger bag that i want. Hmm, next week (= Haha, so yeah i left around 2:30 and in the mean time juan,randy,franshya, and jan and i took pictures. FAMILY POTRIAT! HHAHAH, funny shit. Took pictures of everyone else also and then i had to leave. I went shopping by myself and told franshya to call me when they were at chipotle. She called me and i went to go visit them. Everyyyone was there. I'm kinda sad i missed a 'eating out' day with them, but it's alright there's more to come! That was just 1 out of 4325235! Hah, so yeah franshya gerald randy and juan ended up shopping also. Cause franshya wanted to go shopping with me. Walked around and shopped for awhile hella fun tho' Juan is a funny//chill ass dude. I'm glad he's a junior cause fxck if he was also a senior then DAMN, my year is like d;salhfasuyfj! For next year i mean. Soo yeeeah, gerald took me home and idk what they did after. But i gotta admit, today was a veryyy good day (= I can't wait for tomorrow's dinner+Christmas in the park on friday!! I don't curr if i don't have a date. :] I just wanna go for their hot chocolate and lights and what not<33 OH MYY. YAYYYYY!

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