Friday, December 26, 2008

I have

been home alll damn week!! This is not how i want to spend my winter break. Uhggg. Christmas this is year doesn't even feel like christmas. The more we grow older our spirits dim down. I find it funny, cause i would be helllla excited for things like this. Or like be hella excited when we go to places like Great American for example. Now it's just whatever. I realize that because i went through it before it doesn't or shouldn't matter anymore because i've already experienced it, but that would mean that i'm just taking advantage of what i have+the things around me. Acting like i don't care when i really do. It's cool tho. Christmas night was my favorite tho' HAH! And you will never know why. Probably jessica only tho' cause yeah :)) Anywho!

Today my mom has a day off..and she woke me up b/c her friend invited us out to lunch. So i had to get up shower and get ready. My mom phone checks her phone and she has 3 missed calls+a voicemail from her work...turns out she has to work today. 4 manicures i guess. But it's alright, i mean if she has to go I understand. Shopping can wait, but i did get irritated because of all the process and what not. But it's whatveaaa, it just means i don't have to get ready later on we can just leave. So yup, i'm bored. I'm addicted to texting at this point, i just love it! Ever since i texted like 4532532 people Merry Christmas @ 12am, just recieving them back made me happy. ++Once i went to sleep which was around 2am, at 3 something i got a text and from then on till 10am i've been getting calls+texts on and off. That was one of the worst sleeps eva' Hah, but it's fine, i love the texts and calls. Juuust, when i'm helllla tired i don't. So again i'm bored, text me if you will! =))

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