Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Caught by suprise.

So today went by pretty fast. Classes were alright cept for the fact that i was pretty tired in 4th. So i slept through people's presentations & before the bell was gonna ring for lunch i found out we have a clog rush. Idk if i'm going to join any clubs. I know leo f'sure tho. Seems interesting. Then i got a random text from jessica saying she was going to tutor me. Haha she read my blog -_-. <3 Chilled after school for a bit and khrystel and i ended up splitting. Mama jessica picked me up and we went to q-cup and frozos. Then came home and she transferred her notes into another notebook and i copied hw from Trevor. :/ HAHA! Whatever it was math class anyways. Fxck that class dude, oh! And i missed my counselours appointment. I wanted to finish the rest of the movie we were watching since i missed some of it in the begginning of class since Peter and Yush' and i were late. We both ended up finishing what we had to do so we ended up going to the mall. She got hookups, wooo! So she got her coats for the winter<3 And i got a jacket, a hat, grey jeans, and the shoes i wanted<3 THANKYOUMAMAJESSICA<3333333. Oh and she also got me earrings & a necklace. Boy, does she spoil me like her own child. Then for some odd reason my mom calls me yelling at me! Wtf, she calls and yells to me about me being with some guy in a white truck and hugging him and what not. Idk what the fxck she was talking about, but i feel HELLA bad. Dinner was canceled cause of me. Papa was mad too cause i didn't tell him i was leaving, my fault tho. I come home and my dad yells for like 2 mins. And i don't see my mom or my moms car anywhere, soo idk where she went. And about 40 mins later my mom comes home. Opening my door and saying 'all because of you' and she was crying. Damn dude, i need to keep my priorities straight. But i mean weekdays are the ONLY time i can go out. Since i'm cooped up at home every single damn weekend babysitting jackjack. So i take advantage of going out after school or some shit idk. Just 2 more years. And i'm out of this house. Even tho she always says go to college and make good money so you can buy a house for you and i to live in. I don't wanna leave her all alone since my dad is moving away from us when my brother and i both grad. But i need to grow up. I need to be independant. I actually don't know what to do.. OH and my grandpa is pretty stupid for telling my mom he say ME hugging some guy in a white car when it was most likely khrystel leaving with her dad to go home. Fxcking old people. Sorry gramps, i love you and all, but you just fxcked me up.

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