Saturday, September 27, 2008

Good talks.

When i really think about it i had some pretty good talks last night. Whether it was a short convo. or a long one. Schoool same ol' same o'l. 4th period was pretty crazy tho. We went to the computer lab today and we were searhcing for info about the cambodian genocide. Damn dude, WE have it good. Better than others i suppose. Sometimes we just have hella shit going on that we don't realize what we have and search for things that we don't have. 6th period was the best tho. It was mrs. roy's birthday<3 The 6mains which are Me, Mikha, Amanda, Peter, & Ayush came in late. Amanda made her a cake, daniel made the card. I gave her 6 water bottles and wrote on them because she's been wanting water every single day and our school got cheap so the water bottles are hella small. But okay, i wrote on them and set it on the floor for her to see during 3rd since i have t.a. So the 6 of us came in all together singing happy birthday<3 She looked Hellllllla happy<3 I love it. After school was super boring didn't do anything really. Jb took me home along with kg, vince, and gerald. Hella squished tho! And i was put in the back in the middle between vince and gerald. Haha. Came home and everything and didn't really do much. Told papa i was going to the football game and he said why you always going out! And i said welll it doesn't matter since i babysit jackjack every weekend. And he just said ok. Haha!<333 Thanks papa. Bus to nob hill and met up with ayush, fran, omair, and rob. They bought food. I just brought propel. Mmmm. And then we all walked to the game. The score was 50 to 7. HAHA! We're 50. Damn dude, we own!<3 Hahahha, chilled at the game and talked to amanda!<3 A lot. I'm hella glad we're getting close. I love it. We laughed a lot too cause idk she just funny crap. Mmm can you say stalker amanda?! Haha oh! and what about the women bible. And what's going to happen on monday? Oh man dude, we had some good ass talks. And jessica texted me for a bit. And even if it was short i started laughing once she said 'him and his ugly big ass nose' HAHAHAHHAHA! Oh my fxcking god. You're funny mama. hahahah. Sooo pretty much after the game LEROY 'THE GREAT' My favorite senior from freshman year took me home. Came home and my parents were in the living room waiting but were watching t.v. Once i came home papa went into his room. Haha what a looooser. Then my mom asked if i can curl her hair. Damn dude. So i curled her hair and i remembered that i was sneeking out with the guys tonight. Finished curling it around 11ish and she kept going in and out of my room showing what she should wear to work. After that it hit 11:30ish and i went to sleep so she wouldn't come check up on me. 12ish ayush called and i said don't pick me up yet idk if my moms deeply asleep. It was 1ish and i woke up. Called ayush and said what they we're doing and who they were with. They picked me up and off we go. Went to tyler's park and chilled and talked there for a bit. Besides allen and ayush that picked me up; carlos, kevin, rob, & tyler were there. We all talked just chilllled. It was hella cold tho. Then tyler and rob went home to tyler's house so we left. But i didn't want to go home yet cause it was early for me. So we just parked near my house and talked till 3:15ish. Kevin dropped carlos home cause there were 2 cars. Then i went home and didn't sleep till 4. Mama woke me up around 8ish to re-curl her hair. Fxck dude i was hella tired. And now jackjacks here and mama jessica is coming over to do her hw. Last night was a good night. Despite the akwardness around a couple of people.

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