Saturday, September 6, 2008

Football game.

HAHA right mama jessica?
Sooo yesterday i came home a little bit earlier then i usually do from a school day, and because of that was because i wanted to go to the football game. I got home around 4 and i just basiclly did nothing till jessica came over. When she came over we chilled for awhile and decided to go to Jamba Juice, going there we went to go visit her friend. And before that we wanted to go eat, but not knowing where we just kept thinking and thinking...then she just said let's go to in-n-out then. Went home ate and just chiillllled. Having the house being so hot we went to frozo's and the game. She's had frozo's this WHOLE week and i've had it at least 3 times this weeka already? Then FOOTBALL GAME. I was excited. I love football games. It's just a great way to chill with everyone. And the guys get really excited over the game and the players, so that was pretty interesting and entertaining. Hahaha, pretty much it. Got home around 11? Didn't get in trouble tho'. My day went by pretty fast. I'm kinda to lazy to go into details tho' GOODBYE.

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