Saturday, November 15, 2008

The boys

are off to camp! But will be back tomorrow :) I can't wait to hear what happened && etc. So last night was the football game//senior night. Most of my friends were at yfc camp and i must say i missed a lot of them. I never really realized how attached i've grown to them. It made me realize last night that 'damn, it's their last year here. they're not even going to be here next year' it makes me wonderrr a lot how things are gonna be next year. Fxccccck, but i mean the girls! I feel like i'm growing close to them, which is good. I tend to be the only girl in my group that usually chills and now there's more! :) yay, but hmm, this blog is pointless. All i can say is next year is going to be different, tremondously different! But change is good right? Right. But i know f'sure i'm going to hellllllllllla miss them<3

+texting =)))) from 10:45-2:15 am. Damn that made my night. Although i did fall asleep at one point, but i woke up so it's fine :] Hahaha. Buuut the thing is i don't know if i want to get back to that..shoot. I got a lot of thinking to do!

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