Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fxck school

DAMN, schools tomorrow! Today was pretty much a good day. Watched jackjack and texted a lottt today. Then khrystel came over! & we watched Juno, and we catched up and gossiped a bit<3 Then she had to leave to get clothes cause she's sleeping over cause of school! Shit fxck my life. She's gonna be over a lot now since school's starting. Uhhhm then later on carlos came over but i said it was my brother's friend cause my parents were home, so then yaaawp. We were supposed to go to Target, but khrys didn't come home in time for us to even go there. Soo carlos my brother and i went to wienersitchlez however you fxcking spelll that place. They both ate for a bit and i drank carlos's orea milkshake. That shit was gooood! Then he left cause he took the bus home and my brother and i went to Lucky's. Bought luncables! YUM! I bought the cracker kinds. Ham for myself and Turkey for shaina. Bought some stuff for khrys and home we go! Mama and papa weren't home cause they went to go pick up their family friend cause he pretty much comes here every week. Mama said 'i love you' on the phone earlier, pretty weird. But i take what mama gives me<3 Hahahah Mkay, this is pretty good. Khrystel's over! Okay,byee.

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