Saturday, August 23, 2008

High expectations

Devante's party was today. I guess it just wasn't something that i expected. I pretty much expected hellllla people there. Shaina, carlos, and i came pretty late too. At least that's what i thought..But overall it was alright, semi fun. The dancing was okaay, damn i really did expect to much out of this parrty. Boooo...oh! The 'special performance' was tahitian dancers and some hip hops girls. For one of the dances devante got to pick people to dance w/ and shay and i had to get up and dance -_- What was it? Pineapple,coconut,papaya,banana? Hahah! And then mix it into a fruitsalad! Hahaha that was fun. Uhhhhm what else, oh it and kinda ended early cause security came :[ Boooo, and that lights turned back on around 9:45ish. So everyone pretty muched stopped dancing cept' for like devante and boys. Sooo now im at home and i should be at shay's house w/everyone else that went there eating spaghetti. WHAT A BUMMER! *But uhm the best's thing....we pretty much didn't talk about the situation. Shit happens, but it's cool cause schools coming up! So we'll pretty much get back on traack. Damnit just one more day. FCK MY LIFE.

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